Chick Bassist welcomes you into punk rock hell, the friendless disillusionment of waking up in a shitty motel room in California with half a joint and an empty six-pack, radio blaring Lou Reed, concrete ocean on all sides and a blazing inferno within.
Now, in a collaboration between photographer Randall Ingalls, author Ross E. Lockhart, and Lazy Fascist Press, we bring you the official Chick Bassist desktop background. Because you’ve always wanted your computer monitor to resemble the beer-and-blood-stained stage of your favorite punk rock venue.
Best of all, it’s your favorite price… FREE!!!
Just click on the image below to download the full-sized, high-resolution Chick Bassist desktop background. And tell your friends!

And in case you’re still on the fence about the book itself, here are just a few of the authorial endorsements (commonly known as blurbs) that Chick Bassist has received:
“Chick Bassist is like the very best rock—gritty, haunting, gorgeous and unforgettable. Also, it’s best read aloud, at top volume.” –Spike Marlowe, author of Placenta of Love
“Chick Bassist has a rhythm as primordial as the backbeat/heartbeat-backbone of Rock and Roll, and characters as raw as shredding power chords. Ross Lockhart has written a great rock novel!” —Alan M. Clark, author of Of Thimble and Threat and A Parliament of Crows
“Chick Bassist is utterly savage. Lockhart’s style waxes poetic as a modern Beat giving us a glimpse into Rock & Roll hell.” —Laird Barron, Shirley Jackson Award-winning author of Occultation and The Croning
“Holy fucking fuck what a great book.” —MP Johnson, author of The Final Failure of a Professional Small Animal Inside-Outer and The Mutilation of Paris Hilton
“Lockhart’s writing is unpretentious yet literate, achieving the kind of loud intensity that only the best punk rock songs do while revealing an odd, and even disturbing, fragility. It’s crammed with detail and writerly techniques without being overtold. It’s a stunningly daring performance, the kind you and I (and he, most likely) were warned away from attempting.” –Zachary Jernigan, author of No Return
“Complete rock excellence.” –Adam Cesare, author of Video Night and Tribesmen
“Readers with an interest in the last half-century of rock music will find themselves well-served not only by the plethora of bands, albums, and songs referenced throughout, but also by the significance of these references to the characters and storyline. It’s one thing to drop names, but it’s another to demonstrate an actual literacy in one’s subject matter, and Lockhart clearly has this down as a writer.” –Arthur Graham, author of Editorial
“Poetry and terror and gritty realism can all coexist happily, and the third sound they generate in their harmonization just *jams* when done deftly. You can’t spell Ross Lockhart without ‘rock’. Chick Bassist was, for me, the most fun read of its type since Harlan Ellison’s Spider Kiss.” –Edward Morris, [2011 Pushcart Prize nominee, 2009 Rhysling Award nominee, 2005 British Science Fiction Association Award nominee], author of Blackguard 1: Fathers & Sons
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